Edition 2 - Week 5, Term 2
Principal's Message
It is wonderful to see so many of our parents/carers attending our weekly parades. We love celebrating the success of our students with you.
Our teachers and students are busy working towards their Term 2/Semester 2 assessments in preparation for our first formal written Report Cards. To assist students in being successful learners, our teachers develop and discuss with their students:
- Our Learning Intention – the focus/goal of the lesson or unit of work
- Our Real World Connection – why it is important to learn what we are learning and how it relates to the world beyond the classroom
- Our Success Criteria – what students need to be able to know or do to be successful in what they are learning.
All classrooms are working towards creating a Learning Wall and a Bump It Up Wall in English and Mathematics. A Learning Wall clearly displays the Learning Intention for the unit of work and anchor charts, or sources of information to assist students to understand what they are learning about. For example, if students are learning how to create a poem, examples of different types of poems, examples of rhymes and other ‘anchor charts’ are displayed. This assists the learning to be visible. A Bump It Up Wall displays examples of what students need to be able to do in order to be successful in writing a poem. Classrooms may have the marking guide (criteria sheet) showing what students need to be able to do to achieve a C, with annotations of the success criteria next to the examples of student work.
Five Learning Questions for Students also assist teachers and the leadership team to check how well we are clearly and explicitly teaching our students what they need to know and do. As a parent, you can also ask your child 5 questions. If your child is anything like my 11 year old on, they learning nothing at school! Rest assured, however, we are working hard to support every student to be successful, lifelong learners. Try asking your child these 5 questions about what they are learning at school:
- What did you learn today? OR What are you learning in English/Maths this term?
- How are you going?
- What do you do if you don’t understand?
- How can you improve in your learning?
- What are you most proud of?
As a school, we are deepening our understanding of what the learning questions are for leaders, teachers and students to ensure our teaching and learning is aligned to our curriculum and pedagogical approaches – explicit, engaging and evaluative. More information on our Pedagogical Approaches can be found on our website.
I would like to extend a BIG thank you and congratulations to Mrs Teneale Harker, our lower school Deputy Principal for a very fun-filled and successful Under 8s Day. She organised and led a team of dedicated staff members to make it a special day for our little people and their families.
Kind regards,
Nicole Wheatley
Deputy Principals' Message
We are halfway through Term 2 already. We would like to ensure we build on this momentum with our students and that they stay engaged in all learning tasks. Students will be half way through units of work for the term and often the content becomes more difficult and requires more persistence and endurance. We can encourage our students by helping them to develop a growth mindset. One way we can do this is to give them a good understanding of the learning pit. The learning pit is a visual tool which helps students relate feeling challenged to being in the learning pit and supports them to embrace this challenge and to reflect on what skills and strategies they need to use to get out. It is through hard work and persistence when things are difficult that the most learning and mastery of new content can occur. Please speak with your child about your own experiences of being in the pit, the more we normalise that sometimes uncomfortable feelings are associated with challenge, the easier it is to help kids embrace this and develop confidence and control in making positive choices to improve learning.
Upcoming Sports Day
Our Senior Sports Day is scheduled for June 16 and our Junior Sports Day is scheduled for June 17. These days will be a great opportunity for students to showcase their sporting skills, persistence and team work. We welcome families to attend and share in the fun. More information with the order of events will be shared in the coming weeks. Let's hope we see the last of the rain this weekend and have beautiful, sunny days in the lead up.
Partnership in learning
Communication between home and school is very important. Please ensure that you speak with your child’s classroom teacher about any questions you may have about your child’s learning. You can use See Saw to arrange a time with them. When you communicate positively with your child’s teacher this sets a positive tone for your child. Students see that you value the work they are doing at school and that both home and school are working together.
Under 8’s Day
Our inaugural Under 8’s Day was a wonderful community event. This year’s theme was Play in a changing world and it was great to see our students and families engaged in the play and learning activities together. Thank you to all those staff involved in the organisation of the day. Students were very excited to bring home their bag of arts and crafts to share with the rest of the family. Thank you to YMCA, Enriching Communities and Spring Mountain Honey for joining us for this special event.
Under 8s Day
From Executive Services
Student Absences
If your child is going to be away from school, please contact our Student Absence Line on 07 28995160 anytime of the day or night and leave a message.
Student Resource Scheme
Thank you to all the parent/carers who have already paid their Student Resource Scheme fees for 2022. Just a reminder for those who are yet to pay, fees are now due.
A statement will be emailed out to families at the end of the month. If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like to arrange a payment plan please contact the school.
Uniforms and personal belongings
Just a reminder to clearly label your child's uniform items, especially hats and jackets! Lunch boxes and water bottles should also be clearly labelled.
2023 Enrolments
We are excited to announce our 2023 applications for enrolments will open on Tuesday 31 May! Families wishing to enrol for 2023 are invited to attend an Enrolment Information Session in our school hall on Monday 30 May from 3:15 - 4:15 pm or 6:00 - 7:00 pm. our Executive Leadership Team will provide information on our enrolment processes, information about our school and take you on a tour of our facilities.
For the purpose of being able to effectively accommodate families on our school tour, each session has a maximum of 50 families. Please click the relevant link below or scan the QR code to book your session. One booking per family.
2023 Enrolment Packs will not be available for collection before 3:15 pm on 30 May. If you are unable to make either of these sessions, please contact us on 2899 5111.
Everleigh State School Uniform Policy
Parent/Carer Code of Conduct
Parents and carers are reminded about the importance of role modelling our school values at all times. Should an issue arise between you and another parent/carer, or between your child and another child, it is not appropriate for you to approach another parent or child. Please refer all concerns to your child's teacher, Deputy Principal or Principal. Please refer to Everleigh State School's Parent/Carer Code of Conduct below.
Music Notes with Mrs Chivers
Welcome to Music Notes.
We have had a great start to our music program here at Everleigh State School.
There are some very enthusiastic and talented musicians in all year level which is great to see and hear.
The Prep students have been learning singing games and songs to help develop their in tune singing and beat recognition.
Year One and Two students have been singing songs about animals and the environment and will be changing words to a known song to create a song about an environmental issue.
Our Three and Four students have been looking at songs of celebration and commemoration and they performed beautifully at our ANZAC service earlier this term. They are writing ostinatos to perform with a partner and sing in small groups. We have started learning the recorder which will help them if they decide to join the instrumental program.
Year Five and Six students are listening to music from film and stage and will be working in groups to compose and perform a soundtrack for a short animation.
We have begun choir rehearsals this term and my hope is to develop The Everleigh State School Singers into an enviable choir. It is early days and we have a small, but committed and enthusiastic group of students who are rehearsing two pieces to perform at the end of this term on parade. It is not to late to join, so if your child in years 3 to 6 is keen, we would love them to join us. We rehearse every Tuesday at second play in the music room.
Student of Week Awards
Congratulations to the students who received Student of the Week awards in weeks 4 and 5:
- PA – Ajooni, Kora
- PB – Chloe, Shane
- PC – Amelia
- PD – Ruby, Joseph
- 1A – Destiny, Matilda
- 2A – Harjot, Bowen
- 3A – Maci, Scarlett
- 3/4B - Chase, Emily
- 4A – Amitojbir, Harrison
- 5A – Annabelle, Vitolina
- 5/6B - Riley, Tara-Belle
P&C Mother's Day Stall
Congratulations to all of our hard working volunteers on our Mother's Day stall. This activity raised $697.95. A great achievement! Please keep an eye out on Facebook on the date of our next meeting.
A few messages from YMCA
Just a reminder to label all your child’s belongings as we have a lot of winter uniforms not being labelled.
Vacation care has started being developed with some fun incursions and excursions. We have Brix Kids, mini golf, rock climbing and so much more. The program will be ready in week 8 to share with you all.
We have a homework club starting with the list for you to add to on the sign in table. This club is a quiet area we have provided for your child to complete their homework in a supervised session. We cannot force them but encourage them to complete their homework.
YMCA love feedback so if you would like to provide us with some great feedback or not so great feedback please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing us at aev@ymcabrisbane.org.